6.2. Appendix 2: General reference Texts, examples of methodological critique

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- RESEARCH ARTS sept 2013 It includes recent papers by Penny, Parés and Seebach : What do we mean with interdisciplinarity and why do we care? By Simon Penny A physicist, a sociologist and an artist come into a bar... - What is the impact of humor on different types interdisciplinary projects? By Swen Seebach. The cultural relevance of interdisciplinarity in the context of an unsustainable technified hyper-consumeristic society. By Roc Parés.

- Hubert Dreyfus – What computers still can’t do. - Philip Agre – Lessons Learned in Trying to Reform AI - Emily Martin- The Egg and the Sperm. - Anthony Chemero - Rat behavior experiments (need ref) - Ed Vul - Voodoo correlations in FMRI studies. http://www.edvul.com/voodoocorr.php - Voodoo Correlations are everywhere http://pps.sagepub.com/content/6/2/163 "In general, paradigms can be understood as conventional setups for producing idealized, inflated effects."

- White Paper on the Interrelation of Art, Science and Technology in Spain. (Even though the economical historical context has changed a lot since the mid 90's I still suggest reading the Conclusions and Recommendations in pages 149 to 154. RP- need ref)

- ONTOLOGY AND ANTIDISCIPLINARITY Andrew Pickering in A Barry and G Born (eds), interdisciplinarity: reconfigurations of the natural and social sciences.

From public understanding to public experiment Georgina Born and Andrew Barry. Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2010 ISSN 1753-0350 print/1753-0369 online/10/010103-17
– 2010 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/17530351003617610